About AIPA
AIPA, k.o. is an organization whose primary purpose and activity is the collective enforcement and securing of the rights of the authors, performers, and producers of audio-visual works.
A license to regulate this area was issued to AIPA by The Intellectual Property Office of Slovenia in October 2010. AIPA carries out its activities under the Law on copyright and neighboring rights.
Based on bilateral agreements, mandates and other authorizations by coauthors, performers and film producers of audio-visual works AIPA performs the following tasks:
- grants permission for the use of works from the repertoire of protected works under similar conditions for similar types of use;
- informs users about tariffs and enters into agreements with them as to the conditions of use for protected works;
- publishes tariffs for payment of remunerations;
- enters into agreements with foreign collective organizations;
- oversees the use of works from the repertoire;
- collects payments of remunerations;
- disburses the collected funds to rights holders in accordance with the previously-determined rules of disbursement;
- enters into contracts for the management of copyright and related rights with coauthors of audio-visual works, performers whose performances have been used in audio-visual works, and film producers;
- defends the copyright and related rights of audiovisual works in courts of law and other state agencies, whereby it must report the enforcement of such rights to the rightholders.
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/z_QO4GQn5F.jpg", title : "Legenda o zlatorogu;Režija: Lea Vučko;Octopics (2022)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/Dkl6TTjNIMYJb.jpg", title : "Iskre v času;Režija: Jurij Gruden;Senca Studio (2021)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/5nNIF95NJEvL.jpg", title : "Ne pozabi dihati;Režija: Martin Turk;Bela film (2019)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/72nTb3FJr3G7C.jpg", title : "Polsestra;Režija: Damjan Kozole;Vertigo (2019)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/2HMTZwXpJHqd.jpg", title : "Spacapufi;Režija: Jaka Ivanc;Strup produkcija (2021)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/CDIYMZmwKn.jpg", title : "Orkester;Režija: Matevž Luzar;Gustav Film (2021)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/RSlwCIYpgC.jpg", title : "Jezdeca;Režija: Dominik Mencej;Staragara (2022)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/qW_vixhBTuLKJ.jpg", title : "Nekoč so bili ljudje (2021);Režija: Goran Vojnović;Arsmedia (2021)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/2byxsgm50sn5oV0.jpg", title : "Tako se je končalo poletje;Režija: Matjaž Ivanišin;Staragara (2022)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/srBBcMxyri.jpg", title : "Žica;Režija: Tiha Gudac;OFF World/URGH! (2021)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/uxJrm9pWck.jpg", title : "Verschwinden / Izginjanje;Režija: Andrina Mračnikar;Vertigo (2022)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/7RMyTbu7gjT.jpg", title : "Beli bojevnik v črni obleki;Režija: Maja Weiss;Bela film (2021)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/aF3ZJBnTLCEq5XH.jpg", title : "Septembrska klasa;Režija: Igor Šterk;A.A.C. Productions (2022)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/IcCMwWabbDDF9.jpg", title : "A ti mene vidiš?;Režija: Jan Cvitkovič;Zavod Solsticij (2022)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/kKPlQ2lSPX.jpg", title : "Vesolje med nami;Režija: Rahela Jagrič Pirc;Arsmedia (2021)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/D6Da8_YOtQmFP.jpg", title : "Inventura;Režija: Darko Sinko;December (2021)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/xpqzvvLR9Oku.jpg", title : "Zgodovina ljubezni;Režija: Sonja Prosenc;Monoo (2018)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/k1adCnn3PHaO.jpg", title : "Jaz sem Frenk;Režija: Metod Pevec;Vertigo (2018)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/s22spefONAhEjuW.jpg", title : "Kapa;Režija: Slobodan Maksimović;Senca Studio (2022)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/8RlFNuWJflATX.jpg", title : "LGBT_SLO_1984;Režija: Boris Petkovič;Zavod Kineki (2022)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/HW2NqBQGAZfRi.jpg", title : "Odpuščanje;Režija: Marija Zidar;Vertigo (2021)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/MLr5935I2Cwh.jpg", title : "Prasica, slabšaln izraz za žensko;Režija: Tijana Zinajić;December (2021)" },
{image : "/media/uploads/animation/1oIrrLJYgJSckX.jpg", title : "Zastoj;Režija: Vinko Moderndörfer;Forum Ljubljana (2021)" },